Tuesday, November 16, 2010

PS Design Group becomes part of The Brand Group

The Brand Group is here. Yes that's right folks, PS Design Group is now a partner of The Brand Group. There has been lots of work in the background and reasons why this partnership is not only necessary, but also very relevant. Over the years I (Paul Smith) have been privileged to work with some top creative talent throughout Cumbria and across the UK - in fact I still do and will continue to do so. I am however going to focus on the reason that brought me into this creative profession originally... Brands!!!!

Branding is what makes me get up in the morning - and is my passion. Your brand is not just a logo, an advert or a brochure, your brand is everything your current and prospective customers think, feel, say, hear, read, watch, imagine, suspect and even hope about you or your product, service or organisation...
It's about real meaning! And that's what's important and why people use their emotions to choose a brand and stay loyal to a brand for many years.

Although I will be taking a step back from the actual graphic design duties and development process that takes place once a brand has been established, I will be overseeing the majority of the creative output and I will still be hands on when it comes to delivering the tangible stuff for PS Design Group. I will be spearheading The Brand Group along with some very creative talent - from cool Graphic Designers and amazing Photographers to brilliant Web Developers and Marketing Gurus, who are all at the top of their game. And we will be giving businesses in Cumbria and beyond the chance to have a 'full service' and true 'branding agency' to call upon to help their brands become what they really should be and reach their true authentic potential.

The new website and introductory material for The Brand Group will be rolling out to our current clients in the coming weeks and months, but in the meantime I wanted to announce this first from my blog. I would like to remind everyone that The Brand Group, will be all about creativity, strategy, and development over the long term. PS Design Group will be the Graphic Design partner along with other sectors including Online Developers, Photographers, Marketing and much more. Thus making us (and our clients) better, adding more value and becoming a relevant partner to anyone who is serious about their brand.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you need any further information or would like to talk to us about your brand and how we can help, then please contact us at: info@thebrandgroup.co.uk

A very Merry Christmas to you all and we look forward to working with you in 2011.
And remember... A Brand is like a puppy...it's not just for Christmas.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Straight 6 Classic Car Brand Launch

Straight 6 was a passion for a client of mine whos dream was to own a number of classic cars and then as a business idea, hire these out to enthusiasts or for personal events and weddings etc.. When PS Design Group were first briefed there wasn't even a car to hire out, but since then an e-type jaguar has been purchased and in time a number of other classics will join the fleet. The name Straight 6 came from the 6 cylinder engines associated with these cars. The whole brand needed a vintage feel about it, but with a memorable look and feel associated with the subject. We decided on classic racing Green and complimentary yellows as the main company colours and a stylistic, strong logo marque. A website , business stationery and promotional literature have also been created. We hope you like the branding, and if you need a perfect gift for Christmas this year.. Straight 6 also do vouchers - so visit the website and buy your Dad a present he will never forget. Va va Voom!