Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Scott Self Storage Car

Hello all, some recent vehicle livery we deisgned for Scott Self Storage. 
I spotted this on my way to a business breakfast meeting the other day. 
Who should be at this meeting, but the one and only Steven Scott, 
the Managing Director. He was absolutely thrilled with the design, 
which has resulted in much more business for his firm now this little 
yellow and green smart car is whizzing around the city. 
Happy Days Steve :) 

If you require vehicle graphics that turn heads and gets your brand 
noticed, then get in touch with me Paul Smith.Or if you are a Signmaking 
firm (who create vehicle graphics) and need some creative ideas 
for your clients; or you may be overloaded with work, 
then maybe I can help.

I work with many Signmaking firms throughout Cumbria and the North West.