Cumbria soccer 6 a-side league 'Astro Soccer Sixes' approached us to refresh their logo of over 12 years. Having played in the soccer league ourselves, we jumped at the chance to work with a project that we are passionate about and a sport that we love to play and watch. We opted for a logo that summed up the excitement of the leagues using colours to represent Cumbria rather than the usual reds and blues of footballing teams. We introduced 6 moving stars to represent each player on the team and a softer more modern font. The identity will be rolled out onto all marterial online and in print in the coming months. A Facebook page will be launched in the coming days so will keep you posted, and if you would like to take part or get a team together, then contact Billy Rafferty on 01228 593030.... Football logos are not a matter of life and death ... they're more important than that.
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