Local Printing business Border Offset Printers will be heading int0 2010 celebrating 3 decades in business in Carlisle. PS Graphic Design was asked to create a new brand identity and future communications to take them forward into the next 30 years. A new corporate mark along with brand guidelines have been created, with new signage and advertising, direct mail and other corporate literature rolling out over the next 6-12 months. The design sitting under the new logo is a flyer informing their customers of their opening (or should I say closing) times over the festive period. The new logo lends itself well to creating many funky patterns including this Christmas Tree...neat!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Banner Design for Carlisle Dental practice.

Some more branding for Carlisle dental practice York Place Dental. PS Graphic Design created banners to go up in 'The Lanes' shopping centre in Carlisle. We based the idea on people wishing to have more confidence in their smile when shopping - 'Bags more confidence in your smile'. Grafix Signs whom we have worked with on several projects then printed the banners, so thanks to them.
There are 2 types of designs going up - 1 for men (which is up now) and 1 for women which should be seen very soon. Over 2000 cars pass this banner every day (even more on a weekend), so it's a great way of showing your brand to a large audience. If you wish to have some banners designed and printed for your business, then contact us and we'll get your brand in front of thousands of people in a highly creative way.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Zoo International Identity.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Cumbria Renewable Energy Direct Mail

Encompas (Cumbria's Premier Underfloor Heating and Renewable Energy company) invested in their marketing research and asked PS Graphic Design to create some new Direct Mail to accompany their new Brochure (which we designed a few weeks ago). Focusing on the key messages along with the main benefits the research uncovered for their target market. Great to work with a company that is investing in renewables, saving energy for consumers and reducing carbon emissions for the planet. ..it's one thing that makes this design lark worthwhile.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
True Believer Exhibition

I was pleased as punch last night for two reasons. Firstly, I had a trip over to Newcastle to the see the Northumbria School of Design building, which is pretty cool. Secondly (and more importantly) I was there to support my old college friend Andrew Reay, who had a private view of some new (and old) graphic posters and t-shirts from his business 'True Believer Clothing' . I have purchased a few of these shirts already. They are great quality and are all hand printed. So you're not only getting a quality shirt, you also get a true piece of graphic design and print to boot. Cool and quirky work, which tick all the boxes for me. I can't wait to see the new designs in print. I'm off now to order a 'Sid Wings' shirt as an early Christmas pressie. Tell yer friends, so they can get their hands on these sought after designs. Ho,ho,ho!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Now on Twitter

Hello, Thought I would let you know that you can now follow me (Paul Smith) on Twitter
I will be updating it on a regular basis with links to graphic design, interesting articles on branding, some cool links and some funny stuff to boot. Also the usual online diary of what's been happening throughtout week at PS Graphic Design. If you're not already on twitter then you're missing a trick so get started by following me.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Brand Book for Cumbria Dental Clinic

Encompas - Underfloor Heating new brochure.

Cumbria's premier underfloor heating and renewable energy companies Encompas approached PS Graphic Design to re-design their company literature and marketing materials. Based on external market research the brochure was very much targeted towards Self Builders. A more Commercial style brochure is currently in the design pipeline along with a new website and direct mail campaigns which we will show you next month.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
HomeSearch Direct update shop facia.

We worked with HomeSearch Direct over a year ago on their identity, values, brand positioning and new guidelines. This was to help give them a clear, relative and consistent approach in all their communications. From advertising to property details to their website and as you can see, their office signage on Lowther Street in Carlisle. Thanks to the signmakers for doing such a professional job. Although I do think the grey paint surrounding the sign could be a touch darker - what do you think? Comments welcomed.
Cockermouth Foot Clinic.

We were asked to update the Cockermouth Foot Clinic's brand. Now feet aren't the most pleasant part of the human anatomy, so the difficulty was to make the brand communication more friendly and approachable (no pictures of dirty, smelly feet here). We also wanted the brand to be more informative in interesting ways for all ages. We developed new signage for the clinic and introduced and new identity system that will bring consistency to future communications. There is also new advertising with the new style appearing in local journals throughout Cumbria. Definitely a 'step up' from where the brand used to be. P
Friday, October 9, 2009
Ceramic Systems

We were asked to create a new brand identity for this B2B Ceramics company, including a logo, stationery and possible future marketing materials. No website as of yet so I can't put a link on here, sorry. This is a new company so I will upload more work as and when it is finished. Cheers Paul
Local Printers unveil new brand identity.

Border Offset Printers are based in Carlisle and asked us to deign a new identity to celebrate them being in businees for over 30 years. They wanted something that reflected their values and the modern printing services they now offered. The brand will be rolled out over the next 2 years and will incorporate - literature, web, on and offline marketing, signage and advertising.
Chatsworth Tennis Club Logo

Ace new logo for Chatsworth Tennis Club. This local tennis club has been in Carlisle for many years and needed a fresh look. I would love to push this brand a lot further throughout the city to attract more awareness and members. No set funds as of yet though :(
Monday, September 28, 2009
Typographic Promo Poster
I was recently asked to design a poster to promote my services at a local Business Centre.
I saw an image on the cover of a computer magazine which inspired me. I had been wanting to do some typographic art for a while, so this was a perfect opportunity.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Tongue in Cheek Packaging

Apologies if I am the last person on this planet to see this fab packaging, but this tongue in cheek style for Soap & Glory caught my eye on the shelves of my local Boots chemist. The design company is Biggs & Co who are based over in New York and LA. 'Glow Job' is just one of a whole line of beauty products with similar packaging with witty title's such as The Greatest Scrub of All and Sexy Mother Pucker. Lovin it.
Friday, September 18, 2009
A Must Read...

Just finished reading this great book written by Jon Edge (Wolff Ollins) and Andy Milligan.
It's a great help to anyone wishing to understand what branding is really all about. A real straight-talkers guide to branding along with helpful insights into how designers can add value to clients and how clients can understand what us designers are really up to. I could go on, but I won't, just go and buy it, borrow it or steal it...an essential for anyone involved in branding. I have a copy if anyone wishes to borrow it. P
Zeras Pop Up
Pop Up exhibition stand for Zeras Industries LLP whom I have worked with since their formation in 2006. They specialise in asbestos removal and safety. Not the most glamorous of industries, so the design challenges were even harder. They're pop-up stand needed to look serious, but not boring. Thanks to Carrick Signs also for getting the production done so quickly. Nice job guys.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Centrepiece Landscapes Brochure

Centrepiece Landscapes asked me to create a small, compact brochure for their business. The use of simple striking imagery on the cover and a clean layout inside served on an uncoated environmentally freindly stock, suited this brief perfectly. View their blog 'Lush Landscapes' for more information.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Charles Foundation Prototype T-Shirt
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Cockermouth Foot Clinic

Ruth Hellen from Cockermouth Foot Clinic in ....er Cockermouth (for those of you who are laughing as you read this.. it is an actual place in Cumbria). I was asked to design some new business cards / appointment cards and will soon be helping with their shop signage and internal banners.
Anyone for a pedicure?
Nice displays in Harrogate.

Recently went to visit a friend in Harrogate and came across some nice retail window design and shop signage. These 3 were all in the same street to. So nice to see some shops doing something a little different and using design. The 'Phase Eight' sign is my fav - looks like ribbon, but made of wood. Neat!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
New logo for Spinal Injury Charity

Carlisle Dental Practice Promotion.

Dental practices are now becoming more design savvy. From the way they look to the services they give and also the style of the interiors. One such practice is York Place Dental. A great client who I love working with. Here is some recent work I have completed to promote their new 'Membership Scheme'.
Using their own photography I created a unique style that brings in the logo as a holding device for their imagery. Along with a classic Typeface the layout is clean, modern and on brand. I am currently busy working on their website and brand documents, I will post these up for you to view (and comment on) in the next couple of months. Keep Smiling ;)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Lakes Cottage Holidays

Lakes Cottage Holidays 2009 Brochure.We were asked again to produce the LCH brochure. After a few months and a re-design of the style and layout, the brochure has finally been printed and the results are excellent. Our client was so impressed that he personally delivered a bottle of champagne to the studio to say thank you. It was a great project to work on, even though there was a few late nights involved, but it was well worth the effort. For anyone wishing to holiday in the Lake District this year, there are lots of quality Cottages to choose from within this brochure, so make yourself a cup of tea, relax and browse through the brochure to see if anything catches your eye.
Friday, May 15, 2009

The design was well received and stood out on the shelves within Agricultural retail outlets. We don't have exact figures yet, but we have been informed that LAMB FORCE is outselling all it's competitor food...we think it's due to the great packaging design and the poster campaign that helped promote it...well we would wouldn't we!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Scott Self Storage Car

Hello all, some recent vehicle livery we deisgned for Scott Self Storage.
I spotted this on my way to a business breakfast meeting the other day.
Who should be at this meeting, but the one and only Steven Scott,
the Managing Director. He was absolutely thrilled with the design,
which has resulted in much more business for his firm now this little
yellow and green smart car is whizzing around the city.
Happy Days Steve :)
If you require vehicle graphics that turn heads and gets your brand
noticed, then get in touch with me Paul Smith.Or if you are a Signmaking
firm (who create vehicle graphics) and need some creative ideas
for your clients; or you may be overloaded with work,
then maybe I can help.
I work with many Signmaking firms throughout Cumbria and the North West.
Friday, March 27, 2009
York Place Dental Newsletter

This very forward thinking Dental practice required a form of communication to thier clients. I created a newsletter that was available on-site as well as emailed. The Newsletter reflects the friendly personalities and professional attitude the practice is becoming so renowned for. This marketing piece informs current and possible future clients all about the practice, from services, to latest offers and even a who's who?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Tiffen & Co
After launching the new identity for Tiffen & Co, I then created ongoing advertising and new Commercial and Residential Property boards. Also several office make overs and new product literature. And now I am busy working with them promoting their successful Auctions.

GBD Website.

website. It is yet to be launched, but is near completion. I will upload the link when the site is launched. Hope you like it and if your business needs a new website or just needs to be refreshed than contact me and hopefully together we can come up with a great new website. Take care. P
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Re-Branding of Major Print House
Busy working today on a major print house firm within Cumbria. I can't say who it is just yet, but all will be revealed on here soon, along with some sneak previews of the new look.
All comments welcome....well constructive comments anyway.
Stay tuned! P
Carlisle Conference Group
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Male Grooming Salon Launch
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
GBD Identity
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Welcome to my blog. I am a self-employed freelance graphic designer based in Carlisle in beautiful Cumbria. I specialise in Corporate Identity (logo) design, Print Design & Branding with the majority of my time spent and implementing marketing solutions for small to large businesses such as Logos, Websites, Brochures and Literature, Stationery, Signage, Exhibitions, Direct Mail, POS, Posters and Promotional Material and even Vehicle Livery.
I have worked in Design and Branding for over 12 years now. Having worked in London, Newcastle and Cumbria for large and small design companies. I also ran my own design and branding business (PS Creative Design) for nearly 4 years.
I hope you find this blog useful and I will be updating it with new work, news and design tips on a constant basis. If you require my services please don't hesitate to contact me.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
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