Thursday, November 3, 2011

The cost of the most famous logo in the world- £22.00

Yes that's right. Nike's iconic swoosh logo cost them just $35 (£22). And the now infamous and ever tweaking (or should that be tweeting) Twitter logo was bought for just £10 from i-stock. Now this is all well and good, but behind these logos or brand marks there is a very strong strategic brand belief to make these logos become memorable. It also takes time and investment, let's not forget these logos were not iconic overnight. On a more local level it's all too easy to argue over the cost of creating a logo, but in my experience it's always a different in story.  Some logos I have created have cost nothing and been very successful and others have cost over £1,000.00 - It all depends on the client, the budget and also what their business and brand aspirations and strategies are. What real value will they place on having a well thought out logo that will represent the company correctly and at the same time become memorable and a recognisable symbol or badge for customers.  What logos do you know in Cumbria of businesses , charities or any organisation for that matter and try the following experiment.Now be honest as you're only kidding yourself..

1. Firstly think of a well known brand that you know in Cumbria..
    (something most of the county know or have heard of).

2. Now grab a pen or pencil and some paper (or whatever is closest to hand) and sketch out that logo from memory.

3. Now go online and find the brand you thought of and reveal just how close to that logo your sketch is.

You can then mark your score out of 10.  1 being no way near the correct logo and 10. being bang on, colours, typeface and everything.

This is a really interesting experiment for the business owners or the marketing depts of these logos.
Let's see just how memorable your logo is and then ask yourself... how much did I pay for this.
That's when you will understand the true value of your logo.

Good luck and happy sketching.