Monday, September 28, 2009

Typographic Promo Poster

I was recently asked to design a poster to promote my services at a local Business Centre.
I saw an image on the cover of a computer magazine which inspired me. I had been wanting to do some typographic art for a while, so this was a perfect opportunity.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tongue in Cheek Packaging

Apologies if I am the last person on this planet to see this fab packaging, but this tongue in cheek style for Soap & Glory caught my eye on the shelves of my local Boots chemist. The design company is Biggs & Co who are based over in New York and LA. 'Glow Job' is just one of a whole line of beauty products with similar packaging with witty title's such as The Greatest Scrub of All and Sexy Mother Pucker. Lovin it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A Must Read...

Just finished reading this great book written by Jon Edge (Wolff Ollins) and Andy Milligan.
It's a great help to anyone wishing to understand what branding is really all about. A real straight-talkers guide to branding along with helpful insights into how designers can add value to clients and how clients can understand what us designers are really up to.  I could go on, but I won't, just go and buy it, borrow it or steal essential for anyone involved in branding. I have a copy if anyone wishes to borrow it. P

Zeras Pop Up

Pop Up exhibition stand for Zeras Industries LLP whom I have worked with since their formation in 2006. They specialise in asbestos removal and safety. Not the most glamorous of industries, so the design challenges were even harder. They're pop-up stand needed to look serious, but not boring. Thanks to Carrick Signs also for getting the production done so quickly. Nice job guys.